Paul taught me how to poach an egg in 2010. He was over at my house where I lived with 5 other girls and naturally that’s what you do when hanging out. I’ll never forget him giving me the reasoning for adding white vinegar…whirlpool-ing the water, and then drop the egg in and turn the water down to a slow simmer.
Read MoreWhen I think about Erica and Mike’s wedding the first word that comes to mind is: FUN. I had a pleasure of working with them while they were living in Washington DC and with demanding jobs, they would fly out to California a couple of times and we would do a marathon of meetings to finalize the planning.
Read MoreKelsey and Brandon are such a gorgeous couple inside and out. Kelsey, a dancer and Brandon, a pitcher for the San Diego Padres have style to the nines. Nicole planned and executed this wedding in Long Beach, California by bringing in a truck load of pine trees and more candles that I could coun
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