Posts tagged millwick
Allison + Jean-Michel - Downtown Los Angeles, California

We had the privilege to work with JM + Allison for the better part of 2019. They work in the start up world in San Fran and needed a hand on their event. They wanted it to be a fun party with their favorite San Fran band, Midtown Social, and dinner to reflect their love of well-curated menus (#foodies!!)

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Brett + Michael - Los Angeles, California

This one was special for me. Brett worked for Carly Rae Weddings, Inc full time for 3 years. She started as an intern and it was evident quickly that she was a good one. She was meant for the role and always had a smile and willingness to work the intensely long hours that is the wedding industry.

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Monica + Anthony - Los Angeles, California

I think back to the first time I worked with Lauren Scotti and I believe this event was it. Lauren is the most chill photographer out there. Her work is unmatched and has a killer eye for styling. Often times when I have spent loads of energy to produce an event, I hope that the day of the photographer can be able to shoot the details in the way they deserve.

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