Brett + Michael - Los Angeles, California

This one was special for me. Brett worked for Carly Rae Weddings, Inc full time for 3 years. She started as an intern and it was evident quickly that she was a good one. She was meant for the role and always had a smile and willingness to work the intensely long hours that is the wedding industry. She will always hold a special place in my heart. When she became engaged, she asked me to coordinate her wedding and, of course, it was a no brainer. Married in Millwick in DTLA, she kept things simple but the details that she did include were PERFECT. Her dress is the most fitting for her personality and style…if we’re giving out awards, it would win the most gorgeous I’ve ever seen. Enjoy looking at these and remind yourself to keep your jaw closed otherwise it’ll be on the floor in no time. - CRW

Vendors: Venue: Millwick // Coordination: Carly Rae Weddings // Catering: Whoa Nelly // Bartending: Whaling Club // Florals: Of The Flowers // DJ: Dart DJ // Photographer: Studio Castillero // Valet: White Label // Rentals: Borrowed Blu + Premiere Party Rentals